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Wednesday 1 September 2010

Need an Energy Boost ?


Just a small handful of tasty almonds, about 22or 25 pieces, to help maintain your energy.


Eight ounces of yogurt provides a bunch of

B vitamins, which help the body convert other nutrients into energy.This energy food also is a great source of potassium, which is an important mineral for energy, and even supplies a dose of power protein. The active cultures in yogurt will bolster your energy as they tune-up your immune system.

Bran Muffin:

A medium-sized bran muffin is a wonderful source of magnesium, a mineral your body uses to change carbohydrates into energy. And this energy food has plenty of complex carbohydrates to convert so the energy lasts a long, long time.

Hard-Boiled Eggs:

Egg whites are an amazing source of protein, which will give you with a steady stream of energy. The egg yolk adds an extra dose of B vitamins, which give this energy food the ability to put a little more umphh in daily diet.

Peanut Butter:

Peanut butter is full of both protein and magnesium. But be carful, A tablespoon of peanut butter will give you maximum benefits. Don't become a peanut butter nut, as overdosing on peanut butter can mean weight gain. Spread it on celery sticks or bananas for extra nutritional power.

Orange Juice:

Orange juice ,or OJ to some, is one of the planet’s best and most delectable sources of vitamin C. A large glass will give you about 200% of the recommended daily allowance of this nutrient. With orange juice, you get pure unbridled energy, unlike caffeinated beverages, like coffee ,tea & soda drinks, which may make you jittery.


This energy food is a magnificent source of complex carbohydrates. These are the best fuel for your body because they break down slower than simple carbohydrates (found in white sugar and flour products) and therefore your blood-sugar level can remain steady. Indulge as often as possible in bean or lentil soups, or toss kidney beans into your pasta sauce,yumm.

Pumpkin seeds:

A 2.5 oz packet of this lovely, crunchy snack will provide you with over 400 mg of magnesium. magnesium helps convert food into energy. Pumpkin seeds are also full of iron which nourishes your cells with oxygen. For a yummy, nutritious snack, mix pumpkin seeds with raisins, saltanas, nuts or any other dried fruit.


Watermelon is a sensational, refreshing source of 4 great fatigue fighters: Vitamin C, lycopene, iron, and potassium. As its name suggests, watermelon is also a great source of water.

Roast Beef:

Zinc is a fatigue-fighting nutrient. Zinc even helps to get rid of fatigue-inducing carbon dioxide from muscle tissue. Zinc also keeps your mind alert and prevents feelings of sluggishness. Just 4 oz of lean roast beef packs 12 mg of zinc and is therefore one of its greatest sources.

High Protein Energy Bars:

Energy bar consumers must heed this warning: Some of the bars on the market do not increase your energy, but cause fatigue with their high sugar content.You should instead buy a bar that gets at least 40% of its calories from protein. These energy foods are portable and convenient.

Energy Smoothie:

Combine one cup of skim milk, low-fat yogurt, berries, ice cubes, and a spoonful of

protein power. Wizzz. This delicious blend of carbs, vitamins, and protein will revitalize your body and restore your zest. Energy smoothie cafes are big these days for good reason!

Handful of Soy Nuts:

Soy nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your body, especially your circulatory system. Additionally, this delicious energy food makes a great snack that may help increase awareness, help you be more agile, and may even fight depression.

A Cup of Berries:

Berries are bursting with nutrients and antioxidants. Sweet and delicious, this energy food has a high-water content, which means it will keep you hydrated and therfore energized.


Peppermint has been shown to temporarily stimulate memory and boost mental awareness. Students given mints before a standardized test perform better than those who are not given mints! The good news is that Peppermints are usually fat free also. And mints are great for fresh breath, which boosts your confidence and comfort level.


Cocoa, in its nicest form know as Chocolate. has been shown to contain chemical ingredients that help you stay alert by increasing activity in certain parts of the brain. It also has been shown to inspire feelings of happiness when mixed with sugar and fat. But you must do chocolate in moderation, but enjoy it too.

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