What's it all about ?

you may ask...
Just stuff that comes along in my life
that delights or surprises me,
Quite Random really,
Enjoy x

Oh, and it's only

Wednesday 1 September 2010

A sudden change ?

Help! something just changed in my life, Big time !

Different people cope with change in different ways.

For many of us change comes knocking on our door when we feel comfortable in our lives. Often we feel defensive and see the change as threatening our feelings of security.

Some people are better at coping with and even embracing change. Some people see the smallest change as a big inconvenience and an even bigger drama. Others take it in their stride and adapt to the new situation so quickly and quietly it is amazing.

How do you respond when change comes to visit you? If we changed our viewpoint from being fearful and worried about new things happening in our lives we would be able to accept change more.

What if we welcomed change and looked forward to all the new things that were coming? What if we trusted that whatever changes taking place, were for our highest good? And what if we built up our emotional strength so nothing ever fazed us?

Being able to cope with change easily and readily is a trait of successful people who are happy with their lives. Resisting and fighting change is a trait of those who are unable to move forward in their lives gracefully.

If you would like to be able to welcome change there are a couple of things you can do...

Ask yourself if you like to have control over everything?

If so it will be harder for you to accept unplanned change that you do not approve of.

Are you flexible?

Are you willing to accept things may happen that are better than you could have hoped for?

If this describes you it is time to practice surrendering to change. Take small steps to increase your flexibility and acceptance. Let other people make decisions without having to have the final word.

Adopt a new belief that there are many different paths to get to the same outcome. You may not know what these paths are - but if you close your mind you will never find out.

It is certainly much easier to ride with the current than to fight it. The next time change comes knocking on your door do your best to allow the changes to take place. No matter what they are.

Do not argue with them or fight them.

Do your best to accept change willingly and place your trust in the changes.

Sometimes you just have to jump in and swim for it, but hopefully you may end up somewhere a little better for the experience.

For more help see

Changing Directions

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